May 12, 2009

  • What an eventful weekend. 

    HAHAHA…I still laugh thinking of how this all occurred.  I SERIOUSLY thought it was dislocated, but no…it was broken.  Good thing I didn’t try to position it back in place.

    Sister, after your 6 weeks in your orthopedic shoe, I’ll get you a pedicure. 

    Parents are gone to Europe and I’ve gotten one email.  It’s been REALLY nice having the house to myself. 
    They must be enjoying themselves if they haven’t called me yet.


    Hi daughters
    We arrived in Zurich safely and traveled through Salzburg with car.
    The Swiss and Austrian Alps are beautiful and spectacular and driving German autobahn was awesome. We will continued travel through Vienna and rest of our trip. I’ll wri

    my question is…How the heck did he learn to use the word “awesome” and what happened to the rest of the email?  Was he in too much of a hurry to write the rest? hahaha

    hahaha…THE BEST. 

May 5, 2009

  • ACK!

    This school year needs to be over RIGHT NOW.

    31 more days!!!

April 22, 2009



    So, Kaitlyn and I were THISCLOSE to buying $806 tickets for Thailand in August, but i randomly googled “cheap Thailand tickets” and saw an ad for BTS or otherwise known as Best Travel Store!

    and…..purchased tickets for $642!  What a steal!  So, thanks Best Travel Store!, and not Burning…you know the rest.

    Anyone been to Thailand and have suggestions on which beaches/areas to hit in Bangkok? 

April 17, 2009


    Spring is in the air and we all know what that means!  This is one of the few moments I miss CCM and it’s craziness and all it’s drama.  People will do the most random and craziest things in the name of love.  Myself EXCLUDED.  HAHA!

    Dear ‘ol friend Michelle out in Philly, showed me a HI-larious website, 

    Man, my whole life can make it’s on “fmylife” website. Or, otherwise known as “UGH” moments.

    For instance, today, I was ravenous after treating and going to an IEP and was on my way to another school and opened a bag of cheddar sun chips while driving to that school.  I set the bag down on my lap while doing something else and totally forgot that I had already opened the bag and when I picked it up.  I picked it up upside down and ended up dumping all the contents into my lap.  I then proceded to pick off and eat the chips from my lap.  haha…

    My dad HATES my neighbor’s dog.  It’s seriously the sweetest black lab ever and the culdesac’s favorite friend, but nevertheless, he hates that dog and all dogs period. 

    Anyhow, I chatted it up with my neighbor and then went inside my house where my dad like asked me what i was talking to her about and he asked, “did you tell her how much i hate her dog?” 

    me: “uh…no dad.  But i think she knows that you don’t like the dog.”

    dad: “her dog pees on our yard.  I’m tempted to spread tabasco sauce all over the grass so that she stays away from our lawn.”

    my dad is very strange…

April 14, 2009

  • Costco…

    I seriously went to costco THREE TIMES today!!!


    Trip #1:Went early in the morning to get gas.  Pumps didn’t work and i didn’t have time to wait around so left.

    Trip #2: Waited in a HUMUNGOUS line for gas during lunch break.

    Trip #3: Had to get brand new tires (ALL FOUR) and waited and browsed for 1.5 hrs and came out with $400 less in my bank account and a real simple magazine and a chicken cesar salad.

    I don’t think I was more ashamed to be an Asian than when I was perusing through Costco later in the afternoon.  Dude, seriously…Asians have no shame.  They stand RIGHT IN FRONT of the samples guy and just stare waiting for the food to come out.  I mean, they had some good samples, but really…is it necessary to impolitely stand and stare and cause a crazy traffic jam with your carts to get a free piece of food?  I’ve been to other costcos besides the garden grove one i was in today and i don’t think i’ve seen it AS BAD as what i saw today.  OR, maybe i’m just a little bit more sensitive today.  I’m not sure…but it definitely made me more hesitant to vulture around for free samples. 

    okay, I meant to go to bed by 10 tonight and it’s already 11.  ugh.

April 6, 2009

  • I found this deal on slickdeals where you could get two weekender like bags for like 10 bucks.  I needed a new bag for work so decided that I would get this fantastic deal.  So they come in the mail and they look pretty low quality and had that low quality/fobby scent, but looked functional.  I used one bag today and already the straps fell right off, like when you tear the perforated part off a ticket. 

    That’s what I get for trying to be cheap and economical. 

April 1, 2009

  • craving of the day….DONUTS! Everywhere I looked or drove said….”DONUTS!”

    but THANKFULLY, I did not feed the urge and got a soy latte and a blueberry scone instead. Like that was any better OR cheaper….

March 18, 2009

March 17, 2009

  • OH man…I’ve been trying to be more assertive and not such a doormat lately.

    So, I was at the Grove at Sur La Table and this lady just totally cuts and stands by the register when I’ve been waiting in line and clearly a line is forming behind me. 

    So I figure she has to ask the clerk a question so I don’t say anything.  The sales clerk comes up and says, “I can help whoever is next in line.”  and the lady says, “I’d like to buy this book.”

    So I’m like…”oh no she didn’t.” (in my head of course)

    And so I interject and come up to the register and say, “Excuse me, I was waiting in line before you and was here first.  I’m in a hurry. Sorry.” 

    The lady gave me quite a glare and although I was proud of the fact that I was assertive, I could not shake that glare.  UGH! why am I such a people pleaser and why do I let people get to me like that??  It happened yesterday and I still think about it….

March 12, 2009

  • okay…that last post, I was sucker.  I just did it for the xanga credits.  I have no idea what I’ll do with them though…

    Bring xanga back!  I sort of wish I had more drama going on in my life so that I had more to xanga about…

    Who knew that not having vision and dental insurance could hurt so badly…

    I had to go see both this month and I shelled out $165 for a 6 month supply of contacts and $325 bucks for filling two cavities and a cleaning.  Ouch…

    I hate for the week…
      When you’re trying to convey an idea or point to someone and NO WORDS come to you…UGH, when you JUST finish eating something in your car and end up spilling the remnants ALL over your lap…

    I love for the week…
      Sleeping an extra 15 minutes, when the last client of the day CANCELS!, good cup of joe in the morning to start your morning, waking up to your alarm vs. stress, frozen yogurt…mmmm….

    Ruins…FANTASTIC movie! cough! cough! especially watching it on 1.5 speed and having it skip every so often and watching with the coolest family members in the PLANET!  Priceless!